Display Advertising
Display advertising opportunities in Turning Wheels magazine range from low-cost business card ads to full pages in B&W and full color. For more information and advertising rates, contact the Assistant Editor at the address below or via email to twmikejones@gmail.com.
Turning Wheels Asst. Editor
Michael Jones
PO Box 26509
Benbrook, TX 76126
Display Advertising Policy
Advertisers are responsible for checking their ad copy immediately following publication. SDC is not responsible for incorrect copy beyond providing one makegood.
GENERAL: SDC expects the highest quality customer service from all who do business with its members through advertising in Turning Wheels.
ACCEPTANCE/CONDITIONS: All advertising is subject to approval. Publication of submitted advertising constitutes acceptance by SDC. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement for any reason such as suitability, unresolved complaints against the advertiser with or without cause. In consideration of the publication of any advertisement, the advertiser/vendor and/or agency shall indemnify, defend and save Turning Wheels and SDC harmless from and against any loss or expense (including attorney’s fees) arising out of that publication, including, without limitation, any loss or expense resulting from a claim or suit for libel, invasion of privacy or copyright infringement, or any other claim based on the content of subject matter of the advertisement. All advertisements must be for Studebaker vehicles or Studebaker-related items. Cancelled ads will not be refunded.
QUALITY ASSURANCE: All items advertised will be described to indicate the quality of the item and whether it is new, reproduced, reprinted or used. Advertising submitted must not, in any way, be misleading or deceptive.
INTEGRITY: All advertisers/vendors must truthfully represent their product and must have the item(s) advertised in stock and be able to deliver said item(s) to the purchaser when ordered. Products which must be custom-made are to be produced within a time frame mutually agreeable to both the advertiser or vendor and the customer. Advertisers/vendors will be expected to refund or make right to the customer what is perceived to be wrong by the Arbiter, Turning Wheels Advertising Complaints.
NON-U.S. BUYERS: U.S. vendors expect payment in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated. Ensure your remittance is in an acceptable form. When goods are shipped, customers will likely be charged customs duties, taxes, currency exchange. Additionally, many non-bonded courier companies charge brokerage fees. Ask the vendor to use a bonded carrier such as FedEx to avoid such fees. Know what your final cost is in advance.
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Response to a customer complaint of any kind is to be accomplished in a timely manner, not to exceed 30 days. Unresolved complaints should then be submitted to the Arbiter – Turning Wheels Advertising Complaints for resolution. We reserve the right to suspend the advertising privileges of any advertiser/vendor who does not follow the aforementioned Turning Wheels Advertising Policy.
Arbiter: Denny Foust studeguy54@gmail.com