Turning Wheels Back Issues

Turning Wheels is more than a monthly membership magazine – much more! Because every issue is packed full of model/year specific information, historical information and expert technical advise, Turning Wheels is an invaluable resource to be used time and time again.  That’s why back issues of Turning Wheels are available for purchase on an “as available” basis.

Back issues are an exclusive benefit of membership in the Studebaker Drivers Club.  You MUST be a member in good standing to order Turning Wheels back issues.

Turning Wheels issues are also available in digital format on a USB flash drive.  Click here for more information.


All prices are in U.S. Dollars.

Number of copies
(in a single order)
1 – 3 $6.50 each
4 – 9 $6.00 each
10 – 23 $5.50 each
24+ $5.00 each
  • Price stated does not include shipping.

To Order

To order back issues or to get a quote on shipping, call 763-420-7829 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Central Time) or e-mail sdc@cornerstonereg.com.  You may also send your request to the address below.  Checks and money orders should be made out to “Studebaker Drivers Club”.  Checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and be in US Dollars (USD).  Visa, MasterCard and Discover are also accepted.

Studebaker Drivers Club
c/o Cornerstone Registration, Ltd.
PO Box 1715
Maple Grove, MN  55311-6715