Turning Wheels Digital Library
More than 44 years of Turning Wheels magazines are available in digital format on a USB flash drive. Issues start in 1972 and continue through the end of the prior year. (The current year issues are not available until the beginning of next year.) All issues are in an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. As a bonus, you also receive the Presidential Newsletter (1963 – 1969), the SDC Bulletin (1969 – 1972) and the SDC Quarterly (1969 – 1971). As an additional bonus, Jan Young’s Turning Wheels Index is also included. (A $20 value!)
USA & Canada: $99 (USD)
Elsewhere: $109 (USD)
Price includes shipping.
To Order
Call 763-420-7829 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Central Time) or send a check or money order made out to “Studebaker Drivers Club” to the address below. Members can also order on-line through the Membership Area.
Studebaker Drivers Club
c/o Cornerstone Registration, Ltd.
PO Box 1715
Maple Grove, MN 55311-6715